Who we are.
Uganda Electricity Generation Company Limited (“UEGCL or the Company”) was incorporated in 2001 under the Companies Act (Cap 110) and the Electricity Act Cap 145 with the main objective of taking over the generation activities of the now defunct Uganda Electricity Board (UEB) together with all or any part of the property, assets, and liabilities associated with it, as was transferred to the Company by UEB as per the Public Enterprise Reform and Divestiture Act. These assets transferred to the Company from UEB were the 180 MW Nalubaale and 200 MW Kira Hydro Power Stations in Jinja.
The Company’s portfolio has since grown to include the 183MW Isimba Hydro Power Plant, 50MW Namanve Thermal Power Plant, and 600MW Karuma Hydro Power Plant. Uganda Electricity Generation Company Limited is regulated by the Electricity Regulatory Authority (ERA).

To be Africa’s leading electricity-generating utility
To Sustainably Generate Reliable, Quality and reasonably priced Electricity for Socio-Economic Development
Our Purpose.
Making electricity safely available for supply at all times from all our plants
Core Values
The Objectives of UEGCL have since expanded to include project development including development of Hydro Power Stations and other renewable energy projects
In this regard, the company is the implementing agency of the Government of Uganda for the 183 MW Isimba and 600 MW Karuma Hydro Power Projects and Associated transmission Lines and Sub stations with the mandate to deliver the projects within the cost, time and specified quality.
UEGCL is also developing other small Hydro Power stations and renewable energy plants which include;-