The first of the 6 Karuma Transfomers Arrives
The journey to producing the first 100MW of the planned 600MW at the Karuma Hydro Power Plant HPP is fast taking shape. The first of 6 Generator Step Up (GSU) Transformers was last week delivered on site. The Transformer, supplied by Shandong Taikai Transformer Co. Limited China, weighs close to 100 tonnes at 98,100 Kgs. To visualize this, we are talking close to 2000 50Kgs bags of cement! The tranformer’s arrival follows the delivery of other key electro-mechanical components like the Rotor, Stator, turbine runners, shafts etc that’s taken place in the last several months.
“The GSU Transformer delivery is an important milestone for the Karuma Hydropower Project and it means the installation of the auxiliary system of the power station can start immediately.” Mr. Deng CHANG YI, Project Manager – Sinohydro Corporation Limited.
This GSU Transformer shall receive current, generated at 11KV, and step it up to 400KV. Together with the other five yet-to-be-delivered transformers, this shall be housed in the underground Main Transformer Cavern which is located just above the Underground Power House. The Transformer Cavern connects to the powerhouse through the 40 metre long Bus Duct tunnels, in which runs the Insulated Phase Buses (IPB), which connect the Generators to the Transformers
As at end June 2018, concrete works in the Main Transformer Cavern stood at 94.18% which is within the agreed schedule.
According to the Owner’s Engineer – Energy Infratech Limited EIPL, the next delivery of two GSU Transformers on site is scheduled for 1st August, 2018 and the rest shall be delivered in September, 2018.