Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers Mark 4th Visit to Karuma HHP

Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers Mark 4th Visit to Karuma HHP

By UEGCL Media | November 11, 2019

“This is now home, because we are always welcome.”, said Eng. ONYOK on arrival at the Karuma hydro power project site main office block. On Thursday November 7th, 2019, X (number of people)-member team of the Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (UIPE), Lira Branch visited the 600MW Karuma Hydropower Project. Led by Eng. Patrick ONYOK – Chairman, UIPE Lira Branch, the team was on a familiarization tour of the country’s largest single construction site. The 600 MW Karuma hydro power project provides a great learning experience to the practicing and future engineers. Since the commencement of works at this site, this is the fourth time the UIPE team has visited the project being unique and complex in scope and design.

Currently at 96.5% overall progress with all six generating components for all the 6 units installed, minimum civil works in the tunnels, completion of the overland employer’s camp and the completion of works on the three transmission lines and related switch yards are all that’s left for the project to be complete.

The visiting engineers were taken to the dam and intake, switchyard, main power house, transformer cavern and lastly to the outfall, in a guided tour that was preceded by a brief project overview by the Assistant project Manager Eng. Timothy MUBBALA.

The UIPE team of engineers had keen interest in the major project components, management structures, project implementation progress, knowledge transfer, expected operational strategies, challenges and lessons learnt. “I would like to thank UEGCL for always welcoming UIPE with open arms to its project sites and I hope we will also be invited to witness history as this project is commissioned” said Eng. Onyok in his closing remarks.

The Uganda Institution of Professional Engineers (UIPE) was established as an association of professional Engineers of Uganda in 1972, a successor of the defunct East Africa Institution of Engineers (EAIE), which started in 1945. The objectives and purposes of the UIPE are to promote the general advancement of the science and practice of engineering and its applications and to facilitate the exchange of information and ideas on those subjects amongst the members of the institution as well as the public, government or government institutions.

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